Lady Bug Pick Nic
Daysland AB T0B 1A0780-374-22025117 50 St -
Lakeview Liquor Store
Box 660 Hardisty Alberta T0B 1V0780-888-2488#2, 4802 - 49 St. -
Language Adventures and Services
5407 60 Street Camrose Alberta T4V 4G7780-672-3652 -
Larson’s Waterwell Service Ltd.
Box 61 Lougheed Alberta T0B 2V0780-386-3948780-386-22925303 - 51 Ave. -
Lazer Body Works
Killam AB T0B 2L0(780) 385-37345009 50 street -
Lazuli Farms
780-878-4049 -
Let’s Get’er Done Enterprises
Hardisty AB T0B 1V0403-596-7280 -
Lichak Technical Services Ltd.
PO Box 346 Daysland Alberta T0B 1A0780 781 5965Daysland, Alberta -
Local Rentals & Septic Service
Box 570 Hardisty AB T0B 1V0780-888-14444804 49 St Hardisty,Alberta -
Lohr Oilfield Services
Sedgewick AB T0B 4C0780-678-59975005 47th Ave West -
Losness Drilling (2005)
Box 145 Lougheed Alberta T0B 2V0780-386-3764780-386-2471#1 Kenny Circle -
Lougheed and District Public Library
Box 179 Lougheed AB T0B 2V0780-386-24985004 - 50th St -
Lougheed Co-op Seed Cleaning Plant Ltd.
Box 123 Lougheed Alberta T0B 2V0780-386-3771780-386-3771123 Wright St. -
Lougheed Community Hall
Lougheed AB T0B 2V0Lorna or Holly Bovencamp at 780-386-22125004 McLeod St -
Lougheed Field House
Lougheed AB T0B 2V0(780) 385-414550th St. -
Lougheed Food Town
Box 38 Lougheed Alberta T0B 2V0780-386-3739780-386-37395003 - 50 St. -
Lougheed Post Office
Lougheed AB T0B 2V05011 52 St -
Lougheed Seniors’ Welcome Club
Lougheed AB T0B 2V0780-386-22935014 50 St -
Lougheed Village Office
Box 5 Lougheed AB T0B 2V0780-386-3970780-386-21365004 50 St