FUSARIUM HEAD BLIGHT, caused by Fusarium Graminearum, is the most destructive fungal disease of wheat and barley in Canada. Although it moved into the province from adjoining provinces, it is now found throughout most of central and southern Alberta. Fusarium Graminearum is capable of causing significant economic losses to local producers and the grain industry if not handled properly.
This fungal disease can greatly decrease yield, quality, and generate mycotoxins, which can cause livestock feeding problems.
Flagstaff County is working cooperatively with all agencies to limit the possible spread of Fusarium in the county. All Seed Cleaning plants have a maximum allowable limit of Fusarium Damaged Kernels (FDKs) in any sample to be cleaned and they require a Fusarium test prior to cleaning any wheat seed.
We urge all producers to be aware of the consequences and costs of this disease and be prepared to utilize best management practices to prevent the further introduction and spread of Fusarium Head Blight into our municipality.
Although no longer a part of the Pest and Nuisance Control Regulation under the Ag. Pests Act, it is essential that all efforts are taken to limit the further spread of Fusarium Graminearum and keep it from becoming a greater problem with wheat, and, to a lesser extent, barley.
We urge all producers to be aware of weed and pest issues when feed (hay and grain) is sourced from outside the province of Alberta. Test all wheat seed prior to cleaning, to keep levels from damaging our agricultural economy.
For more information, click HERE.