Strategic Plan

What is a Strategic Plan?

Flagstaff County Council is responsible for developing a plan to determine the long-term strategic direction of the municipality. Council’s current 2022-25 Strategic Plan is a guide outlining their key priorities and strategic goals for their term.

This Strategic Plan contains Council’s vision for the future of our Community of communities, along with Council’s three guiding principles. It shapes our organization, as well as the municipal programs and services we provide to all residents of Flagstaff County.

Our Vision

To be a strong, vibrant, and sustainable regional Community of communities, contributing a rural essence and quality of life.

Our Principles

Council has defined three guiding principles that flow throughout all their priorities. These principles will become a part of all planning activities and considered in all operational decision making:

  • Collaboration – The County will endeavour to work collaboratively with the communities within Flagstaff County, their neighbours, local businesses, non-profit organizations and through provincial and federal programs in the delivery of programs and services.
  • Fiscal Leadership – Flagstaff County will balance the servicing and program needs of the community with consistent, prudent and transparent financial management.
  • Environmental Responsibility – The County will consider environmental impacts on all planning and development decisions and in the operations of their programs and services.

2022-2025 Strategic Plan

To view our 2022-25 Strategic Plan, please click HERE.

Podcast Episode

Listen HERE as Flagstaff County Communications Coordinator Cary Castagna sits down with Reeve Don Kroetch and Deputy Reeve Howard Shield to discuss the plan.

Have Your Say!

All Flagstaff County residents are invited to share their thoughts on the 2022-25 Strategic Plan. Please email your feedback to: